The Air Force issued me red line orders:
Accept a new post in Germany and extend your service for two years or go back to civilian life.
Oh. And if I chose to move to Germany, I’d have to leave in two to four weeks.
I’d been stationed in California. Paradise. This was going to be a very big switch.
But I took it. I’d always wanted to go overseas.
Talk about a culture shock.
This was back in the 1980s. The first house I rented had no light fixtures. There was a water tank in the kitchen that fed water to the sink.
Another tank fed the shower, but I had to get up at 2 or 3 in the morning to light the pilot if I wanted a warm shower by 6.
Still, I’ve always been good with change. And Germans know how to party.
Lots of beer and wine. Celebrations wherever you went.
Back then I was playing racquetball for the Air Force. I played and traveled with the German team. We went to tournaments all over Europe.
Looking back, that was one of the most amazing times of my life. Such a great education. And such a great opportunity.
I’ve used NRT to help 98% of my patients get rid of their pain and start living again.
If you live in the Maricopa County region and you’re suffering from chronic pain, don’t give up.
My practice is Mojo Physio. Reach out to me at 480-568-2756.
Let’s give NRT a try.